
In dienst
Onder Nederlandse Vlag tussen:0000-00-00 / 0000-00-00

Identification Data

Bouwjaar: 1959
Classification Register: Bureau Veritas (BV)
IMO nummer: 5184978
Nat. Official Number: 10404 Z ROTT 1959
Categorie: Cargo vessel
Voorstuwing: Motor Vessel
Type: Koelschip
Type Dek: Flush deck
Masten: One mast
Rig: 2 derricks, 2 winches
Lift Capacity: 2 ton each
Material Hull: Steel
Dekken: 1
Construction Data

Scheepsbouwer: Gebr. Schürenstedt K.G., Bardenfleth, German Federal Republic
Werfnummer: 1173
Launch Date: 1959-02-24
Delivery Date: 1959-03-00
Technical Data

Engine Manufacturer: Werkspoor N.V., Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Motor Type: Motor, Oil, 4-stroke single-acting
Number of Cylinders: 9
Power: 870
Power Unit: BHP (APK, RPK)
Eng. additional info: Werkspoor Nr. 2182 Type TMABS336 (330x600)
Speed in knots: 11.50
Number of screws: 1
Gross Tonnage: 499.00 Gross tonnage
Net Tonnage: 257.00 Net tonnage
Deadweight: 540.00 tonnes deadweight (1000 kg)
Refrigerated: 23000 Cubic Feet
Length 1: 60.16 Meters Length overall (Loa)
Length 2: 56.50 Meters Length between perpendiculars (Lbp)
Beam: 9.42 Meters Breadth, moulded
Depth: 2.96 Meters Depth, moulded
Draught: 3.37 Meters Draught, maximum
Ship History Data

Date/Name Ship 1959-03-05 KEMPHAAN
Manager: N.V. 'Vola' Transport-Maatschappij, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Eigenaar: N.V. 'Vola' Transport-Maatschappij, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Homeport / Flag: Rotterdam / Netherlands
Callsign: PFIS

Date/Name Ship 1969-04-16 KEMPHAAN
Manager: Coastal Cruising Company Pty Ltd, Unknown, Australia
Eigenaar: Jan Benus, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Homeport / Flag: Onbekend / Australia

Date/Name Ship 1970-02-27 KEMPHAAN
Manager: Coastal Cruising Company Pty Ltd, Unknown, Australia
Eigenaar: Jan Benus, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Homeport / Flag: Rotterdam / Netherlands
Callsign: PFIS

Date/Name Ship 1972-06-05 KEMPHAAN
Manager: Gulf Shipping Pty Ltd, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Eigenaar: Gulf Shipping Pty Ltd, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Homeport / Flag: Port Moresby / Papua New Guinea

Date/Name Ship 1973-00-00 BREWARRINA
Manager: Northern Seafoods Pty Ltd, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Eigenaar: Northern Seafoods Pty Ltd, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Homeport / Flag: Port Moresby / Papua New Guinea

Date/Name Ship 1976-00-00 KEMPHAAN
Manager: P.R. Warner (Warner Pacific Line), Nuku 'Alofa, Tonga
Eigenaar: P.R. Warner (Warner Pacific Line), Nuku 'Alofa, Tonga
Homeport / Flag: Nuku 'Alofa / Tonga
Callsign: A3CS

Ship Events Data

1959-03-09: Op 09-03-1959 als "KEMPHAAN", zijnde een motorschip, metende 1413.94 m3 bruto inhoud volgens zeemeetbrief afgegeven te 's Gravenhage no 11269 d.d. 02-03-1959, liggende te Bardenfleth, door A. Kraaijema, ambtenaar bij de Scheepsmetingsdienst te Groningen, van brandmerk 10404 Z ROTT 1959 voorzien door het inbeitelen op het achterschip aan S.B. zijde in achterkant dekhuis op kampanje 4.10 m. uit hekplaat, 0.40 m. uit de lengteas en 1.56 m. uit dek.
1963-04-19: Algemeen Handelsblad 19-04-1963: Nederlands koelschip had aanvaring. (Van onze correspondent) H a i f a, 19 april Vannacht is het Nederlandse koelschip Kemphaan buiten de haven van Haifa in aanvaring gekomen met een Israëlisch schip. De botsing veroorzaakte een scheur van 2 ½ meter. De oorzaak was een verkeerd begrepen signaal. De Kemphaan kon op eigen kracht terugkeren naar Haifa; het schip is eigendom van de N.V. Vola Transport Mij. te Rotterdam; het meet 499 ton en is in 1959 gebouwd.
1970-04-26: Op 26-04-1970 als "KEMPHAAN", zijnde een stalen motorvrachtschip, metende 1413.94 m3 bruto inhoud volgens zeemeetbrief afgegeven te 's Gravenhage no 11269 d.d. 02-03-1959, liggende te Sydney, door G.J. Pennock, ambtenaar bij de Scheepsmetingsdienst te Sydney, van brandmerk 12882 Z ROTT 1970 voorzien door het inbeitelen in voorkant doorgetrokken M.K. schot achter S.B. trap naar achterdek. (Opm.: De door de Bewaarder vermelde oude merken zijnde 10404 Z ROTT 1959 aan S.B. zijde in achterkant dekhuis kampanje zijn vernietigd.)
1978-06-11: Onderweg van Timaru (Nieuw Zeeland) naar Apia Brak/Nukualofa (Tonga) met een lading bevroren vlees in dozen brand in het achterschip op ca. 12 mijl van Banks Peninsula. Een bemanningslid kwam hierbij om het leven. 3 opvarenden kwamen na acht uur roeien in een dinghy aan land te Bucksfoot Bay en sloegen via een plaatselijke boer alarm bij de autoriteiten. Daarna werden de overige opvarenden gered. Het wrak werd naar Lyttleton gesleept maar begon weer te branden. Op 12 juni total loss verklaard en op 17 juni 1978 als doelwit door de Marine tot zinken gebracht in pos. 43.15.Z. - 173.46.O.

The loss of the Tongan vessel KEMPHAAN. At Approx 03.00 hours (Local Time) on Sunday 11th June 1978, whilst on passage from Timaru (New Zealand) to Nukuálofa (Tonga), fire broke out aboard the Tongan vessel KEMPHAAN. At the time she was some 20 km North West of Banks Peninsule and was carrying a cargo consisting mainly of frozen meat in cartons. Owing to the atensity on the fire, which quickly swept the accommodation and subsequently spead to her number 2 Hatch, the vessel was abandoned within minutes of the outbreak and before any message could be sent out. One seaman was burned to death and his body was later retrieved from the vessel. Three seamen doent some eight hours in a dinghy rowing towards land, before they landed at Dicksfoot Bay, adjacent to Le Bons Bay, on Banks Peninsula and alerted a local famer to the situation. Immediately the Police alerted Air Sea Rescue. The Sunner Lifeboat service, the Lyttelton Harbour Board and allied services. An iroqis Helicopter on the RNZAF immediately took off from Wigram Airbase, near Christchurchand at around 13.00 hours sighted the rest of the survivors who vere winched aboard the helicopter and subsequently landed at Chrischurch. One seaman was suffering from severe burns from which he later died on the 15th. Meantime, the Lyttelton Harbour Board Tug “Canterbury“ left Lyttelton at 14.00 hours, closely followed by the pilot Cutter “Wairangi“. The “Canterbury“ closed contacy with the burning vessel in late afternoon and a fire squad managed to control the blaze sufficiently to allow “Canterbury“ to take her in tow. Taken initially to a position off Port Levy Bay, at the entrance to Lyttelton Harbour, where it was initially intended to moor her, a further outbreak of fire at about 190.00 hours and subsequent pumping of water aboard the vessel in an effort to quell the fire caused her to start listing badly and place her in danger of capsizing. She wasthen towed up Lyttelton Harbour by the tug “Canterbury“ and at the entrance to Purau Bay (Almost opposite the Port of Lyttelton taken in tow by the cutter “Wairangi“ and towed into shallow water in Wreck Bay, still burning fiercely, particularly in her no 2 hold. The following morning after an all night battle with the fire, it was finally extinguished and at 10.00 hours she was abandoned to the Receiver of Wrecks, with the Lyttelton Harbour Board acting as agents for the Ministry of Transport. During the course of the next few days the vessel was inspected by all interested parties, plans to endeavour to discharge the meat in her No 1 hold being entertained but in any event it was announced on Thursday 15th June that she would be towed to sea and used for target practice by the RNZAF, subject to last minute tenders and/or proposais for disposal being entertained by the Receiver. Pumping out of the vessel commenced the following morning, Friday 16th June in preparation for her tow to sea but it was not until shortly before high tide at 00.45 hours that the cutter “Wairangi“ the following morning, was able to tow the vessel out of Wrecks Bay to the waiting “Canterbury“, where the tow was connected and commenced at about 01.45 hours. A moderate swell and a break in the tow line having slowed down the progress of tug and tow, last minute tenders for the purchase of the hulk having been rejected by the Receiver, eight Skyhawk aircraft of the No 75 Squadron at Ohakea commenced their strike and at approx. 14.30 hours Saturday 17th Juni 1978 the KEMPHAAN having been hit by both Rocket and Bomb fire, rolled over and sank by the stern in position 43.15.S 173.46. E in some 570 fathoms of water.


Omschrijving: KEMPHAAN
Collectie: Maritiem Museum Rotterdam collectie Arense/Lazet
Vervaardiger: Onbekend **
Onderwerp: Proefvaart

Omschrijving: KEMPHAAN
Collectie: Johannes, Leo M.
Vervaardiger: Skyfotos Ltd.
Onderwerp: Luchtfoto

Omschrijving: KEMPHAAN inkomend in de Nieuwe Waterweg tussen Hoek van Holland en Maassluis.
Collectie: Lindenborn, Marien
Vervaardiger: Unknown

Omschrijving: KEMPHAAN
Collectie: Lindenborn, Marien
Vervaardiger: Unknown

Omschrijving: KEMPHAAN in het Kielerkanaal
Collectie: Schell, W.A
Vervaardiger: Sherlock, F.G.